Lisa Lamb and the Spiritual Formation of Preaching

Feb 12, 2024

Lisa Lamb is a professor of preaching, a writer, and a pastor working to equip leaders in South East Asia. Her passion is to develop leaders who preach radically good news, deeply rooted in Scripture. The Lord took her and her husband on a surprising pandemic journey to seven countries, where they experienced his amazing provision at every turn. Today, Lisa shares the story of how she fell in love with preaching of the Word, the journey of becoming a professor, and why she wrote a book for pastors. Her story reminds us that the Lord is leading even when the circumstances may not appear so.

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Stories Lisa shared:

  • Serving in South East Asia and how that’s different from the US
  • Growing up in California in a Christian family full of prayer
  • How she was shaped by her sister’s disabilities
  • The wholehearted way here sister approached life
  • Reading a lot of four views books in college
  • Going to seminary right after college and leaving
  • Her sense of calling as a child
  • The moment she realized she wanted to help others learn
  • Going on staff with InterVarsity, getting married, and doing campus ministry
  • Her first homiletics class
  • Going to get her PhD in homiletics
  • Graduating in 2008 and how that affected her
  • The spiritual formation of preaching
  • The hope of the preacher for the listener
  • Trying to move overseas during the pandemic
  • Why she wrote a book for pastors

Great quotes from Lisa:

I still think there’s something really holy and beautiful when we open the Word together.

When it’s working as intended, preaching is meant to nourish us.

God is still at work through the Church to bless the world, to be a light and a witness.

Resources we mentioned:

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